
Saturday 29 August 2015

We have been working with CASIS and NASA and we are in the process of rebuilding our hardware that was lost.  Folks have been very supportive and want us to get these experiments up on orbit.  We are very fortunate to work with such great people!
We will keep you updated on our progress on the equipment as the building unfolds.  We are starting with anything that has electronics so we can get those pieces into the EMI (electro magnetic) testing.
We also have a volunteer, Nina Jobin, who will be making the new kit bag that holds all of the equipment. Thanks Nina!!

Tough Day..

As you may have heard the SpaceX rocket that our experiments were on had a catastrophic event, which means it blew up.
We want to express our sympathies to SpaceX, NASA and all the other people who had experiments onboard. Space flight is hard!
We are in discussions on next steps and for manufacturing new equipment so we can continue to move forward and get our experiments up there.
We can use your help!  We have now just set up a GoFundMe account at to help us raise the funds needed to manufacture a new set of the equipment.  Any support is GREATLY appreciated.  You can also just go to the donate link on this site and support.  All funds will go directly to getting new equipment and getting us up to ISS.
Stay tuned here and on our Facebook page and we will keep you updated

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